Tuesday, 24 May 2016

22 May 2016 - Rochester, Bewl, Lydd, Canterbury

Nice flight out from Rochester in a lovely C152 (G-GDIA). Departing R20 I headed off down to Bewl and then over to Lydd turning through their overhead up to Canterbury. Really nice smooth flight all the way around Kent with very little wind. Surface wind back into R20 was only 5 Kts variable.

I'm relieved with the improved performance of the headset which I had refurbished recently. Of course, time will tell if this was money well spent as I'm hoping the intermittent problems I had with it previously, do not return in a hurry!  On the subject of communication I also purchased and took along a back up transceiver (aircraft radio) given the issues I encountered on my last time. I'm pleased with my choice, the interface is easy to use and it will give me greater confidence in my future flying to know if the aircraft radio packs up I have a good fall back option.

22.05.2016 - Brakes off 09:35(Z) Brakes On 10:40(Z) Total: 1:05
Total Time 154:25

8 May 2016 - Rochester, Dover VOR, Manston - Radio Failure

Frustrating flight out from Rochester with an intermittent radio failure. I also trialed the use of audio cables with the Virb camera which would have worked great had it not been for the issues I had with the radio. Shame, but these things will happen from time to time.

A short extract of the commencement of the radio problems...

The full fight...

08.05.2016 - Brakes off 09:05(Z) Brakes On 10:15(Z) Total: 1:10
Total Time 153:20

17 April 2016 - Southend, Margate, Ramsgate

A lovely sunny Sunday morning flight out from Southend in a Cessna 152. Departing runway 23 and turning left to head over the Thames to the Isle of Sheppey. From there across to Whistable and then around the Kent coast taking in Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate before looping back over the final approach path to Manston Airport (now disused) and cruising back to Southend for a left base join for Runway 23. A lovely lazy flight in the Sunday morning sunshine.

17.04.2016 - Brakes off 09:05(Z) Brakes On 10:15 (Z) Total: 1:10
Total Time 152:10