Absolutely glorious weather lately! Long may it continue!
Anyway, no flying this past weekend but hoorah hoorah one more ground school exam ticked off which was Aircraft General Knowledge and Flight Principles. I've added a page to track exam progress on the blog here, but suffice to say a few more still to go.
About that Flight Simulator I mentioned the other day. It was a few weeks ago now, but I treated myself to a copy of X-Plane 9 and a couple of accessories... a saitek yoke, throttle quadrant and some rudder pedals. Yup I know ... the perils of shopping on-line.
I also downloaded a Cessna 152 pack from x-aviation.
It's just a bit of fun quite frankly and to be honest I'm actually quite impressed with the engineering that has gone into the software. There are a couple of things which understandably don't work so well on a simulator though, which are those things based on peripheral visibility (not sure that's the term I should use but you know what I mean). This is the sort of thing you would take for granted doing circuits for example. Anyway, let us not dwell on the negatives, having the opportunity to muck about practising some task lists and developing some motor skills for flying is a good thing right :-)
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