I logged onto my computer and ran up Sky Demon (Flight Planning Software) to print to off my Pilots Log (PLOG) and then I went to the Met Briefing section of the Met Office website and printed off the weather report and low level spot wind report. A quick check on some other weather websites (I like http://www.xcweather.co.uk/) and I was good to go.

The course was to be Rochester, Southend, Whitstable, Manston, Dover, Detling and Rochester.

At this point my instructor had a go trying different tricks but to no avail. We just about struggled to get rid of Southend and tried contact with Manston but after a brief promising contact the radio went beserk again.
So then, after making radio contact again with Rochester we skipped the Manston turnpoint and headed to the Dover VOR/DME. From this point forward the lesson proceeded well and after reaching Dover I headed North East and tuned in to the Detling VOR/DME.
It was interesting to fly "on the needle" but as it was explained and then demonstrated to me, it is coupled with the need to have positional awareness and be able to fly a sensible heading. Obviously the further you are from the VOR then the greater degree of latitude you have. If you flew the needle too early then that can send you off track, albeit temporarily. As you get closer the tolerances become less. My instructor guided me with suggested 5 degree tweaks on both VOR tracking legs which gave me a good practical appreciation. I had already done the Navigation exam but this was a great practical exercise.

My instructor was pleased with today despite the radio problems and so was I. I didn't see many aircraft around today. The weather in the south of Kent was not that good with a cloud base around 2000 feet. Towards the north of Kent though it had became very clear by the time we had returned.
I have another lesson booked for next week..... which I am already so looking forward to. It was great to be flying again today. I loved it.
Logbook Entry:
31.11-09-11 C152 G-BNIV EGTO EGTO 09:30 10:40 1:10 1-1 EX18
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