It was a humbling feeling to be congratulated afterwards by the kind people at the SkyTrek flying school. I guess everybody remembers their first solo, their Qualifying Cross Country and of course their Skills Test. On the way back to my car afterwards I passed a young lad returning to the flying school with his proud father. He had just completed his first solo flight. We had all watched from the flying school window. I stopped to shake his hand and congratulate him, knowing just how he was feeling. It was smiles all round.
To be honest, it has been a very long journey. I don't think I would have believed on the day of my first solo that I would have to wait another 23 months before I would finally get a chance to complete everything. But I have been unlucky. Very unlucky. Last years weather was incredibly poor, and of course we had the Olympics which closed off a lot of airspace. The winter weather saw no let up either and so here we are nearly two years on from that magical day.
Upon reflection, even with all the cancelled lessons and the cancelled skills tests and the cancelled Qualifying Cross Country sessions, it was a real excitement to do this. I have been really fortunate to have had this opportunity.
... I have filled in all the forms and sent off for my PPL (A) licence.
What next?
Are you kidding? ... Carrying on learning to fly of course.
07/04/13 C152 G-CEPX EGTO EGTO 13:30 16:10 2:40 SKILLS TEST PASS
HOURS = 45:50 DUAL + 15:50 SOLO
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