"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." - Leonardo da Vinci
Hurrah! Hurrah! Finally!! .... I finally got my hands on my EASA PPL licence today. It was admittedly almost child like how I tore at the envelope to get my hands on what I had been waiting for! Actually, nope.. it was totally child like to be honest. In my defence, I have been on holiday for the past week knowing that it had arrived and was safely locked in my pedestal at work, and so the suspense was killing me. I have to say, I had been tipped off (by Gary at the flying school) that it was going to be a piece of A4 paper carefully folded and a plastic wallet.. and yup.... that is exactly what it was :-) I think he said "... it's like its been printed on a home computer!". Still ... I don't really care about that! It could have been the size of a postage stamp written in Klingon because it wouldn't have distracted from the pleasure of finally holding the coveted prize. Hurrah anyway I say! Other news, well I have been thinking a lot about the Micro-lighting experience the other day and that led me to look into some general aviation aerobatic options as well. One of the problems with Flying is you get bitten by the flying bug. This was one of the lessons my flying instructor told me, and he was right. As I was off work for a week I bought and finished a good book called Basic Aerobaticsby Geza Szurovy and Mike Goulian. I'll do a review on that separately (it's rather good) but suffice to say it led me to pick up the phone while on holiday and call an aerobatic school to book a trial lesson in a C152 aerobat. I'm not saying it is for me yet as I don't know until I've tried it, but the challenge really appeals to me. I like the idea of getting to grips with the more advanced handling of the aircraft. Anyway ... so this aerobatic trial lesson is booked for Sunday weather permitting of course. We shall see. I hope I don't turn out to be a complete wimp begging for mercy after the first aileron roll! Very excited!
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