Another early start this morning (29/09/2013) saw me up at Rochester Airport ready for my third lesson in my IMC Rating course. This time it was to be some more full panel and limited panel work supplemented with quite a few compass turns.
It was really interesting to experiment with different turns to see how the compass plays tricks with you. I had always remembered it previously (though not really practiced it) as UNOS - "Undershoot North, Overshoot South" but I hadn't messed around at all accelerating and decelerating heading East and West to see the compass oscillate so much.
Also, one new thing today which was on leaving Rochester, we did a simple instrument departure (which I guess is going to be a theme now (so I may as well get it nailed on the simulator pronto). This meant exiting Runway 02, climbing to 2000 ft and then tracking over the right shoulder back down to the Detling beacon and then from there heading out east on the 090 radial.
Mike my instructor also started to introduce the ADF more today and on the way back home we tracked toward the Rochester NDB from the Detling beacon.
The next lesson is going to start getting quite interesting with some more extensive VOR and ADF tracking. I am really looking forward to the challenge.

Total Time: 1:00 | IMC Rating: 0:50
Total Hours = 55:10 DUAL + 21:00 PIC [P1] + 2:10 [PICUS]
Total IMC Rating: 2:55
Total Time = 78:20
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